1. Meditate
I don’t mean for an hour or even half hour. I mean casual meditation say no more than 10 or 15 minutes, and it can be whenever, in the morning, lunch or evening. Just follow your breath and spend some time alone with your thoughts.
2 . Read
Reading generally gives you great ideas and renewed creativity, reading highly inspirational books like anything by: Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, The Dalai Lama, or Anthony Robbins will give you even greater ideas and keep you inspired on a daily basis.
3. Draw, Paint, or Observe Art
Go to an art museum, browse websites or blogs, take or view pictures. Well, what if i’m not into photography you ask? Then simply create your own art by drawing, painting, sculpting, etc. Anytime you create you usually get inspired.
4. Play
Sports, board games, puzzles, and anything of the like can not only motivate and stimulate you mentally, but also inspire. It’s also a lot of fun, i in particular love dodgeball!
5. Travel
I can’t quite put my finger on it, but traveling, moving, and being in new surroundings breathes life into you and can give anyone a new outlook on life.
6. Listen to music
Most everyone has a favorite artist or song that really gets them pumped when they listen to it. Whenever you’re feeling uninspired put it on and crank up the volume! That should get you going.
7 . Meet and hang out with someone you admire
This can be anyone that truly inspires you and lifts your energy level just by being around them.
8. Get involved with a charitable cause
Find a cause that you’re really passionate about, be it ending world poverty or animal advocacy and donate, volunteer, or if you haven’t found a worthwhile cause then start your own. One of the greatest things in life is that you cannot truly help anyone without also helping yourself.
9. Go to the bathroom
Yes this is a bit weird and yes it is inspirational. How? Simply because it is one of the few times in the day when you can be alone with your thoughts.
10. Stand on your head or sit in any awkward position
More weirdness? yeah, why? it’s unconventional and outside “the box” and whenever you’re doing things in a different way than most, that’s when you will come up with ideas that most people won’t even dream of.
11. Gaze at the sky
There’s something calming yet profound in just sitting and staring at the stars because again, you’re left to ponder your thoughts, feelings, and emotions without interuption.
12. Go for a walk
Whenever you’re feeling under pressure to meet a deadline or complete a task instead of trying to work through it, take a break do something relaxing, and shift your focus and energy away from whatever it is that you’re trying to complete. One simple way to do that is to go for a walk and enjoy the scenery, talk to complete strangers, people watch, etc.
13. Write
Not structured writing as in a story necessarily, it can just be random thoughts, ramblings, or notes. Anytime you create anything it’s great for inspiration. Plus when you get your thoughts out in the open it helps you conjour up new ideas.
14. Perform a random act of kindness
It doesn’t have to involve money, just show some common courtesy by opening the door for someone, picking up a piece of trash that isn’t yours, letting someone that’s behind you in lineup go first, and then notice how you feel.
15. Have an open mind
I purposely left this for last, because without an open mind you won’t even know when you’re inspired, in fact you won’t even know when you have a great idea because you’d be to set in your way to realize it. Having a mind that is open everything and attached to nothing isn’t optional, it’s a requirement!
So there you have it, By far the question i get asked the most is: What inspires you? My answer has always been: Knowing that what i do genuinely helps people. If you’re anything like me you can’t get anything you’re “supposed” to be doing done without some daily inspiration. That’s the reason i made this post, to help you find what inspires you. Hope this helps, enjoy!
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