1) The Power of Life is accessed by slowing down, coming to a halt, and experiencing the full-tilt boogie of the present moment where all the action is!! Enjoy the moment at hand, for it’s the only time there is
2) This is where God is found, and joy, love, patience, kindness and compassion–by following your breath throughout the day and in moments of deep meditation.
3) You insult your Power Source by failing to strive for excellence. Strive for excellence by consciously becoming a better person than you were yesterday. Look over your past life and remember all of your successes. Whatever your circumstances, use the past as a rich source, searching out all the triumphs and accolades. When you search for what went wrong, then you are blind to what went right, so the past only mirrors the shortcomings you now face.
Read more The greatest past events literally become invisible to you. Since past and future really exist at once, you are dangerously constructing your future along the same lines. By continuously asking, “What is wrong,” you create more of what is wrong.
This is not a creative use of how to create the very best reality for yourself.
4) The choice to live in the Spiritual Solution leads to the art of living happy. Your Spiritual Solution may be different than anyone elses. Strive to find your own answers in a state of ego-less bliss.You can’t fear your own sense of self, and expect to explore the dimensions of your being. First you must take the simple step of affirming your identity. That affirmation will release those attributes that you have and open new avenues of expression. When you ask another to to tell you the direction of your life, you are, to some extent, keeping from yourself the power source of which you are worthy of having. Trust the life that flows through you!!
5) Challenges (formerly called problems) lead to creative answers to temporary confusion
4) Surround yourself with activities, people and animals who and what make you feel good. Concentrate on what you DO want, not on what you DON’T want. Forinstance, if you want to get out of debt, and you say to yourself that “I want to get out of debt,” your subconscious mind hears debt, and will create more of the same. Instead say,”I create prosperity, wealth and abundance as I connect with my Power Source every day.” Don’t put qualifiers on your vision statement, such as “I create prosperity, wealth and abundance as I connect with my Power Source everyday–BUT–I’m not sure if it’s working!!” You are creating a life of debt by default.
7) Choose solitude so that you can hear, feel and experience your own inner power. As you do this more and more, you realize that you are never alone
8) Purposely living in line with your Power Source creates inspired action and access to the mystical realms
9) Life slows down in solitude in marked contrast to the rigors of performing many tasks at once, as we do in the nursing profession. In the slowing down, we feel the great power of life
10) Solitude slows down clock time, and you step into the eternal realm, where anything is possible
by: Kate Loving Shenk
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